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How To Buy

Whether you’re new to crypto, or a seasoned expert, we want to make the process as easy and streamlined as possible.


In order to buy, swap or sell PLURcoin, you need to have PLURcoin token imported into your wallet (even though it is there!) The easiest way to import the PLURcoin token is to visit our claiming application from either your Desktop computer or Mobile device and select/click Add PLUR to Metamask. 


This will automatically import the PLURcoin token into your Metamask Digital Wallet. 


Please note, if your PLURcoin ever ‘disappears’ from your wallet (for example if you get a new phone, or if your Metamask wallet becomes outdated), you can always re-import the token in this way. 




OK, that’s the difficult part over with. 


Next, you will need to either already have, or, purchase Ethereum in your Metamask Wallet. 


PLURcoin is paired with ethereum and can only be swapped with Ethereum. You can purchase Ethereum directly from your Metamask wallet. See a tutorial on that HERE.


OK! So, you have successfully imported PLURcoin into your Metamask wallet. Balance will display zero, as you technically haven’t purchased any PLUR yet. You have acquired Ethereum and see that ETH balance in your wallet. From here you need to follow these simple steps. 


  1. Within Metamask ensure you are viewing your wallet. (Little Wallet icon in the bottom left) Click on PLUR.


  1. Click on SWAP


  1. You now should see your account number and below that another window that says PLUR. Click PLUR and switch that to Ethereum. You may need to search for Eth.


  1. In the window below where it says select token,click it and search for PLUR. You should see PLUR at the top of the list. 


  1. This token has been added manually. Click continue. We know it’s the correct Token as we manually added it for you via our claiming app. 


  1. Now you can click on ETH and set the amount of ETH you would like to swap for PLUR.


  1. Next select Get Quotes. Give it a moment. On this next page you will be matched with how many PLUR you will receive in exchange for ETH, Click I understand.


  1. Check the gas price is not too high. It should be between 1 and 5 USD for one transaction. Once you’re happy with everything, Swipe to swap and wait for the transaction to confirm. This may take a few moments. Once confirmed if you head back to viewing your wallet (Bottom left wallet icon) You should see your new PLUR balance. 


For the more Savvy crypto peeps. 


The PLURcoin contract address you can copy HERE

A direct link to the trading pair is available directly below. Please make your selection’s  dependant on which device you’re using. 










Download Metamask For Mobile HERE

Add Metamask to google chrome Desktop HERE

Add PLURcoin to Metamask (Mobile Users HERE)

Add PLURcoin to Metamask (Desktop Users HERE)

PLURcoin Direct SushiSwap Trading Pair (Mobile Users HERE)

PLURcoin Direct SushiSwap Trading Pair (Desktop Users HERE)

PLURcoin Smart Contract HERE

How to purchase ETh in Metamask HERE

How to use Sushi swap HERE

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